04 February, 2017

Announcements: February 2017

Welcome to 2017!

Our regular class schedule remains the same - we'd love to see you in class! Not sure how to start? Call or email today and we'll tell you all about it.

The big announcement this month is that Jen and I have decided to abandon fixed-rate prices in favor of a donation-based system. From this point forward, all regularly scheduled yoga classes and Tarot readings by appointment will be offered on a donation basis. Please give what you feel to be a fair trade for the quality of service you will receive.

In other news, Jen has used her experience as a highly qualified yoga teacher and student of somatics to help expand a local chiropractic clinic: the Community Chiropractic Center of Dr. Grace Tridico, DC and Dr. Bryan Dumanski. She joins them as their receptionist, note taker, and healthy-living expert. Looking for the full package of services from short-term adjustments to long-term support? Between these three experts, you'll find it all. Check out their new website today

So, inquiring minds want to know: What's coming up for the studio this month?

Financial decisions are being made to not only preserve integrity of service, but to embrace necessary change and transition in order to accommodate greater independence and liberty from established models. To the furthest extent possible, this transition is being made to maintain control over factors outside the home and business (which of course are one and the same for us since we live in the apartment above our business!) By the end of the month this should take us to a place of stronger financial authority and without fear of making unwanted compromises. If all goes to plan, material foundations will be strengthened. Naturally, I'm biased to predict a positive outcome, but we'll just have to see how it goes, won't we? See you again in March.

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