30 June, 2016

Announcements for July, 2016

Happy Canada Day, Sault Ste. Marie! Another year gone, another birthday for Canada. Huzzah for peace, order, and good government. Naturally, we'll be closed for Canada Day, but we'll be accepting appointments as usual starting Saturday.

There is one announcement to share this month: the weekly meditation class on Saturday afternoons is being removed from the schedule. For those students who'd like to learn meditative ways, I encourage you to come try a free yoga class which includes segments of breath practice and meditation at the end of every class. And, if you're interested in learning hands-on healing techniques and were interested in our lightworking classes, I recommend you try our Yoga+Self Massage class offered on Tuesdays from 10.30am-11.30am. If you can't make our self-massage class, call us! We're happy to schedule a private class. Our hours are flexible, and our rates are reasonable - if you find a better deal in town, take it!

And now, let's look at July's Tarot-scope for Sault Ste. Marie:

How exciting! The Fool is one of my favorite cards, partly because it's a disobedient misfit who does whatever it sees fit, but also because it brings new directions and unknown potential wherever it goes. The first 10 days of July are good for starting new projects but especially good for dreaming new dreams. Who and what are you waiting to become? Do it now. Or at least, pretend to do it now, and by the end of the month you should attain what you desire, because the second and third 10 days of the month continue the message of change achieved as a result of combining willful dreaming with cooperative loss. What are you and the people closest to you ready to abandon? And what are you ready to embrace? Spring cleaning may be long over, but there's no reason you can invigorate yourself with a summertime purge. 

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