29 March, 2016

Monthly Announcements: April, 2016

Welcome to April, Sault Ste. Marie; may it find you well. Remember, of course, that April Fool's Day is on the 1st, so keep your eyes and ears open to make sure no books fall on your head, the sugar isn't replaced with salt, and nobody saran-wraps the toilet bowl. The big news at Energy Revived is that we're doing a little bit of renovation. You won't see it from the front windows, and may not even see it inside the studio, but you will see a lot of our coats, shoes, and other stuff from the mud-room taking up some of our office space. We're open for business as usual, but if the door's locked just ring the bell and Jen or I will be there in a moment. Also, my apologies that the blog has been a bit sleepy lately: I had a medical procedure March, and it's been something that's taken up a lot of my time and energy. Here's to a better April - don't be fooled!

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